Personal data policy

In compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 29733, Maritime Research and Training Center Group SAC with RUC 20602569790, (onwards Cifmar Group SAC), informs you of the privacy and personal data management policy, in which at all times it will seek to ensure that their treatment is legitimate, controlled and informed, in order to guarantee their privacy.

Said policy is applicable to all the information entered through OUR website or forms that belong to the mentioned website (hereinafter all will be called as a whole, the " Website").

Through the use of the Website, the user grants their informed, prior, free, express and indefinite consent and expressly authorizes Cifmar Group SAC to collect, record, organize, store, preserve, process, modify, extract, consult, use, block, delete, communicate by transfer or dissemination or any other form of processing that facilitates access, correlation or interconnection of your personal data, as well as its incorporation into databases managed or owned by Cifmar Group SAC, and in general to make use and process the personal data that you provide, as well as the information derived from its use and any public information or that could be collected from publicly accessible sources.

The user of the Website gives his consent to transfer, nationally or internationally, personal data to third parties, whether or not they are linked to Cifmar Group SAC in order to be able to host, store, process and execute the User Information. In accordance with current regulations, it is understood that by clicking on the bar “send”, “contract”, “subscribe”, “accept”, “request” and/or any other similar definition, as well as only with the act of providing us with your data or browsing the Website, the owner of the data has expressed his consent in the terms indicated above.

The user understands that the aforementioned consent and authorization are essential for Cifmar Group SAC can provide the service offered, so in case you express your refusal, Cifmar Group SAC may exclude it from its database or remove its registration or database, in order not to affect the normal development of its activities.

The data registered on the Website will be subject to automated processing and incorporated into our databases where Cifmar Group SAC will be owner and responsible. All data collected will be used by Cifmar Group SAC in advisory activities, e-newsletters, promotion of services and/or other activities promoted by Cifmar Group SAC.

Likewise, the User's Information may be transferred or shared with third party companies not related to Cifmar Group SAC in order to Cifmar Group SAC can contact and offer the User any information regarding legal services.

Users may request, rectify, cancel and update their information, they guarantee and are responsible for the veracity and authenticity of the information provided.

  • If you wish to delete your account, you can contact us by email at
  • If you have any questions or additional queries, please contact the following email